3 Presentation Secrets From Steve Jobs That You Can Use

Edition # 12

In this edition: 3 things you can copy from Steve Jobs | Tip this week: Consistent practice is the key | Resources of the week: Get your hand on more secrets of Steve Jobs

Hey Reader

Great presentations are the lifeblood of any business.

Whether you are a tech expect briefing the C suite about new innovations and updates or a stake holder selling your idea to venture capitalists!

There is one guy who revolutionised this piece of communication and took the world by storm with this digital devices.

In today's newsletter, we will look at how we can use top 3 of his tactics. Also, the resource for today is a whole book of secrets that Steve Jobs used. Keep reading!

3 presentation secrets of Steve Jobs

SECRET # 1: Keep it simple

Jobs was a big fan of simplifying things - not just in Apple products but also in his presentations.

While he is known for his visual slides, he also made his messages memorable through Twitter-like headlines (140 characters, when Jobs made presentations)

Look at these examples:

"1000 songs in your pocket"

"The world’s thinnest notebook"

"Apple reinvents the phone"


Avoid jargon and complex language of any kind. Make your headline stand out. Fill in the details as you go. Look at the examples above once again for inspiration.

SECRET #2: Introduce the villain and the hero

In 2007, when iPhone was introduced, this was the villain - the problem:

“Regular cell phones are not so smart and they are not so easy to use."

And then hero - the solution:

"The benefit included the new user multi-touch user interface. According to Jobs, “It works like magic. You don’t need a stylus"

The connection between the villain and the hero is pretty clear and easy to understand.


Think of the problem-solution connection that can win over the audience in under 30 seconds. This will clearly get you an early buy in and people will see the value in the hero ideas you pitch.

SECRET #3: Practice excessively

Jobs rehearsed meticulously, which boosted his confidence during presentations.

An Apple employee confirmed that they put in hundreds of hours of prep for a 5 minute segment.

He did 2 full days of rehearsal seeking feedback from the product team.

And practice always makes perfect.


Make sure you invest time in thorough preparation and rehearsal. Know your points inside out.

This not only enhances your level of confidence but also your ability to handle unexpected situations with poise, reinforcing your credibility as presenters.

To sum up:

1. Keep it simple

2. Introduce the villain and the hero

3. Practice excessively

Jobs was a master at presentations - he delivered an "experience", not a presentation. Let's be inspired and do better on stage.


Like Jobs, plan your presentation in analog. Use a paper and pen. Jobs was a fan of the "napkin test". If you can't explain something on a napkin, it's probably too complicated.

Understand how different parts of your presentation come together. The more structured you are, the easier it is on the audience to stay with you


The resource this week is a book by Carmine Gallo.

The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs: How to be insanely great in front of any audience - dissects Jobs' presentations from every angle possible. It's akin to a bible when it comes to studying the finer aspects of Steve Jobs presentation skills.

This is a book you won't regret reading!


One of the most common questions I get is - How I practice speaking to get better?

  • Set a 15 minute slot in a day
  • Pick topics online
  • Speak on them for at least a minute

The next question that pops up is - which topics? That's what the sneak peak for today is!


Next week is all about helping you set a practice plan - something that I do with all my paid clients.

I will not only tell you how to get started and build consistency, but also share a free swipe file of 100 topics to choose from!

Just open the file and start practicing.


Do you have any questions to ask or suggestions to make? Hit reply and share away.

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Suman Kher

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