
Suman Kher

3 Solid Tips to Stick to Habits in 2024

Published 5 months ago • 4 min read

Edition #19

In this edition: 3 time tested hacks to stick to habit | Tip of the week: Pick one tiny habit at a time | Resource of the week: book recommendation

Hey Reader

The new year is typically a time when we all want to turn into a new leaf! Whether it is health or daily habits, we want to be a brand new person.

However, from experience we know that while our intentions are pure, the actions don’t really match up. And usually, we fall off the wagon in a matter of days.

But is there a way to ensure that our intentions and actions stick together for once?!

While there is a whole list of tips on the internet, my aim is to further simplify this.

But first, let’s quickly look at the 4-step pattern that gets us into habits that we already have.

Cue | Craving | Response | Reward

Every habit follows the same feedback loop. In the simplest and most common form:

We get a notification (cue)

We really want to know that the message is (craving)

We check our phone (response)

That satisfies our craving (reward)

Identify the cue that triggers you and replace it to change the feedback loop!

Here are 4 questions from James Clear’s best selling book, Atomic Habits, that’ll help you add some logic to your intentions:

Whenever you want to change your behaviour, you can simply ask yourself:

How can I make it obvious?

How can I make it attractive?

How can I make it easy?

How can I make it satisfying?

In today’s edition, I am going to share 3 solid and time tested ways to stick to new habits in 2024.

1. Start with one, tiny habit at a time

Last year, I gave in and started with 7 habits that I wanted to track. Well! As you must have guessed, I crashed and burned!

This year, my list is a modest 3 habits - top 3 things that are on priority for me.

Here's how you achieve this:

Make a list of everything you want to do/dream of doing! Just get it out of your system!

Then start by eliminating items that are just good-to-track.

Look through the rest to find which ones are non-negotiable. Maximum 3 things. Over-reaching is the perfect way to fail at this.

And then pick just ONE! Let that be the habit for January!

Focus on getting that one thing done, consistently!

(See the tip of the week to find out how I did my list for January)

2. Don’t break the chain

This is called the “Seinfeld strategy” (although Seinfeld himself has clarified that he had nothing to do with this) and it works!

Here is how it works:

a. Get a big wall calendar with the whole year on one page and hang it on a wall.

b. Get a big red magic marker. For each day that you do your task, you put a big red X over that day.

c. After a few days, you’ll have a chain and your only job is to not break the chain

The one important thing to remember is the habit should be simplified enough to be done every day.

Some of the things that I do to make it easy are - set a particular time and stick to it. Plan your day around it to ensure it remains sacrosanct!

3. The two-day rule

No matter how dedicated we are towards a goal, life happens and there will be off days.

The two-day rule suggests that you don’t skip 2 days in a row. This is key in building consistency to sustain a productive habit. (Time to rethink my weekends off from working out!)

It also helps to quickly look at why you skipped and ensure that you plug the gap for the future.

To sum up:

1. Start with one, tiny habit at a time

2. Don’t break the chain

3. The two-day rule


I am as ambitious as the next person. But I decided to pick the 3 priorities that can be turned into habits. Tracking my workouts, daily writing habit and including protein in my diet (aiming at 4 days a week)

It may all seem disjointed - but these are non-negotiable for me to begin with. I want to focus on health, improve my writing and try and eat healthy.

If you notice, I did not add the obvious habits like reading every day. I know I am going to do it anyway!

So I have made a very focussed and short list to ensure there's a decreased chance of a slip up.

If your list is a long one, you still have time to pare it down to top 1 or 2. You can always add one more next month when you have this one under control.


I can't think of a better book than James Clear's Atomic Habits - something I have already referred to in this edition. I really found his tips helpful and being attentive to how my environment contributes to my habits made a huge difference.

Changing my place of work at home really helped boost my productivity.


I got this question on my Linkedin DM - What do I do if I just skip for days and all the work I've done before is lost?

In response to this, I have a counter question - do you feel that your effort does not count at all if you skipped a few days? I don't think so.

I haven't worked out in the last week of December. But that doesn't mean I haven't gotten back to it this week. I jumped right back on the horse.

If anything, I have analysed my workout in the past months and aim to gradually take it up a notch higher this month!

So no matter how long a break you end up with, jump right back as if nothing happened. You may have lost some of the progress, but it's better than waiting for the next month or year to start afresh.


It's going to be almost mid- January by next week and the pressure of the upcoming appraisals start mounting. No matter how great you did last year, it ultimately boils down to your ability to articulate it.

In the next edition, I will share a list of pointers that you should work on so that you can put your best foot forward in the appraisal interview.


What would you like to read in this newsletter? I am always planning my content for the next month and would love to know your thoughts.

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Suman Kher

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