
Suman Kher

How to Communicate Impactfully as a Leader

Published 4 months ago • 4 min read

Edition #21

In this edition: 7 ways to be impactful as a leader | Tip of the week: Write well Resource of the week: presentation tips video

Hey Reader

The days of delivering meticulously rehearsed speeches is passe! In the new world order that we have, a leader's job is to listen actively, encourage trust through collaboration and build rapport between hybrid teams.

I often find leaders mar their impact through one-way communication, issuing orders, using insipid slides to drive home the point.

With multiple generations working together in the workforce today, it's time to change our communication patterns to ensure it leaves the desired impact.

In my work with senior executives, I find 7 key differentiators that gets results for leaders:

1. Ditch the PowerPoint, Ignite the Story

It's time to stop being obsessed with slides and start engaging with stories that connect.

According to Harvard Business review, there's a 14% increase in audience engagement during presentations that use stories vs. bullet points

Instead of: "Let's synergize our core competencies to optimize resource allocation."

Say: "Remember the time when we crushed the monthly numbers? Imagine if we could do it again, even bigger and bolder!"

See the change in impact! Emotional connect is one of the best ways to rally your troops!

2. Ditch the Hierarchy, Rock the Collab

"Synergy is the bonus you get when you play well together." - Stephen Covey

Gone are the days when "bosses" sat in their ivory towers driving the minions called employees to do the work

Instead of: "Please go through the right channels to schedule a meeting on the matter."

Do: "@team, quick huddle! Let's brainstorm how to tackle this obstacle. Ideas from everyone are welcome!"

A Gartner study shows a 75% rise in employee awareness of company goals and strategies when information is readily shared with everyone.

You will see the whole team dynamic change!

3. Ditch the Monologue, Spark the Dialogue

This is also the cornerstone of collaboration that we just talked about!

Instead of: "Here's the plan and the deadlines, execute accordingly."

Do: "Hey team, I've got a rough outline, but this needs your input. What are your thoughts? How can we make it even better?"

A simple: "What do you thin" can keep the dialogue open making the team feel a lot more included in the process.

This not just builds rapport but also creates trust.

4. Ditch the Hype, Embrace the Real

Speaking like a leader doesn't have to be as dramatic as we think it should be. Plain speak wins any day!

Instead of: "We're going be the next unicorn disrupt the industry as a whole in the coming months!"

Say: "Look, things won't always be sunshine and rainbows. We'll face challenges, but together, we can overcome them. Here's how..."

5. Ditch Buzzwords, Speak Human

This is my personal favourite. In the world of AI and ChatGPT, everyone is beginning to sound like a robot. Add corporate speak to it and we no longer talk like humans should.

Instead of: "Let's leverage our synergies to optimize the bandwidth that we have."

Say: "Let's team up, use our strengths, and make the most of our time."

6. Ditch the One-Size-Fits-All, Embrace the Personal

This is to important as a leader and to keep the team morale high

Instead of: "Good job, everyone."

Say: "Hey Gautam, I loved your initiative on AI project. I think your ideas have potential and I'll be happy to support you in any way you want"

7. Ditch Perfection, Embrace Growth

"The only true mistake is to stop learning." - Peter Drucker

Acknowledge and accept the messy parts of people and working together.

Instead of: "Everything's under control at all times."

Do: "Hey team, we're always learning and growing. That means making mistakes along the way. And that's okay too. Let's share our challenges openly, seek feedback and come back stronger."

A team that has the permission to make mistakes is much more innovative.

To sum up:

1. Ditch the PowerPoint, Ignite the Story

2. Ditch the Hierarchy, Rock the Collab

3. Ditch the Monologue, Spark the Dialogue

4. Ditch the Hype, Embrace the Real

5. Ditch the Buzzwords, Speak Human

6. Ditch the One-Size-Fits-All, Embrace the Personal

7. Ditch the Perfection, Embrace the Growth


Learn to write well!

As a leader who speaks clearly and effectively, you need to ensure that the same style flows into your emails too. Miscommunication due to ambiguous or incorrect language could be dangerous to your credibility.

Take up a course or work with a coach to polish your writing skills. This will make sure that your impact remains as effective even on emails.


Presentations are a part of our jobs. But if slides aren't worth spending time on, what else can we do to be more impactful as leaders? Here's the answe:

How to take your presentation to a new level


Next week, we will explore the power of presence through the quotes of some of the most powerful personalities of the world. We will also see how we can apply them in our own lives to become better professionals.

Stay tuned!


Did you know that you can watch upto 2 free videos every week on my YouTube? I have already posted a series on bad communication habits we should give up in 2024.

The next one coming up is on communicating effectively as a leader! I will be talking about the 4 most important concepts you should master!

What are you waiting for? Subscribe and hit the bell icon to that you don't miss the bi-weekly bonanza!


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Suman Kher

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