3 Ultimate Communication Tips to focus on in 2024

Edition #18

In this edition: 3 super tips on communication | Tip of the week: How to ensure you apply the tips | Resource: video on voice modulation

Hey Reader

It's a well known fact that technical skills being the same, it's your communication and soft skills that'll catapult you into higher positions.

As the year ends, how are you planning on working on this critical area?

In today's newsletter, I am sharing 3 things that you can do to get started and master key communication skills.

Tip #1: Your voice is your power

Did you know that before Margaret Thatcher became the PM of the UK, she went through extensive voice coaching designed to make her sound more powerful?

Your voice can be your most potent tool at work. To project leadership and command respect.

Record yourself and replay to understand how you sound.

Practice every single day.

Better still: Find a coach and work with him/her.

If you want to see real difference, a coach can guide you through the right path to overcoming your weaknesses and finding the strength in your voice

Tip #2: Stop adjusting with ‘JUST’

Consider this:

– I just wanted to check if you are free

– I am just a small business owner

– I am just suggesting that…

What do you think is wrong with these sentences?

In all the above sentences, the use of the word “just” is undercutting the importance of the message.

The moment we say it’s “just” something, the person or people listening to you considers the message unimportant.

And you lose credibility for your message or your ideas.

So try saying things without ‘just’:

– Are you free tomorrow?

– I suggest we go ahead...

– I am a proud home maker/business owner

Affirmative sentences add more power to your voice.

Add confidence you say it and voila! you start communicating confidently.

Tip # 3: Mark your endings

Communication is situational, and hence your approach to communicating especially ‘The End’ should be situational too.

There's a reason why movie endings hold such anticipation—they leave a lasting impression.

Similarly, the impact of your message hinges on its conclusion. A well-crafted ending amplifies the resonance of your communication.

So here’s a tip, whether a casual conversation, or a presentation, never end your message with a ‘That’s it’.

It is not only un-impactful but often perceived as a lack of effort in concluding your thoughts.

Here's a video on how to end properly

To sum up:

Tip #1: Your voice is your power

Tip #2: Stop adjusting with ‘JUST’

Tip # 3: Mark your endings


Take the result oriented approach to upskilling

While the tips shared here may spark immediate enthusiasm for change, they often fade like fleeting resolutions. Which is why as a super tip of the week I suggest one-on-one coaching.

It offers personalized suggestions for soft skills development, helps you in organizing your thoughts, and more importantly your practice becomes regular.

But if you are confused as to how it works, here’s a guide to help you - One on One Coaching Program


And just in case you are wondering how to start, here’s a video to help you identify the power of your voice - How to develop voice modulation


Is 2024 going to be pivotal year in your career? Is the next appraisal going to be decisive? And is there anything you can do to make sure you nail it.

Watch out for the next newsletter where I will share a 3-step plan that’ll help you be prepared to defend your turf and win the next big thing on your job.


Your input fuels the future! This space is all about YOU.

Your thoughts drive the direction of this newsletter, so don't hold back! Shoot over your suggestions and desires for the upcoming editions.

Do you have communication related questions?

Just hit reply and ask!




Whenever you are ready:

How to write an effective elevator pitch: Do you struggle to make a great first impression? How would you like a one-line template that'll help you introduce yourself - confidently and memorably every single time? Just 2o minutes can help you plan and write your elevator pitch!

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Suman Kher

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