3 ways coaching can help you In 2024

Edition # 17

In this edition: 3 reasons to get a coach | Tip of the week: How to use Zoom recordings to improve communication | Resource of the week: 12 speaking tools

Hey Reader

All of us set new year goals. We enthusiastically follow through for a couple of weeks. And then it's back to status quo.

We lose the motivation and drive. Fall back into our old ways. And it's all forgotten till next year.

But if the goals are about making a difference to your life and career through upskilling, you may need to change your approach.

In today's newsletter, I will throw light on 3 ways in which a coach can transform your progress and actually help you achieve your goals.

Reason #1: A coach gives direction to your efforts

You may watch online courses and diligently read books.

But ever wondered why all your efforts are not yielding results?

Your communication doesn't seem to have really improved.

Here's the reason: You probably lack the right direction.

Coaching is efforts in the right direction. An expert can save your time and effort wasted on trial and error and put you on the right track.

For instance, Mohan was in the same boat. He watched videos and made copious notes from books. He thought that was going to help him improve.

But what he lacked was the ability to apply those learnings to his particular areas of improvement.

Once we started working together, I cleaned up all the unwanted activities and created a structured one hour practice plan.

The transformation in his skills was instantly noticeable.

Reason #2: A coach keeps you accountable

One of the most important reasons why we don't stick to our goals is lack of accountability.

As an entrepreneur, I have buddies who keep me true to my goals. My business coach holds me to the weekly, monthly goals I set.

And if your communication goals are slipping through the cracks, this could well be the reason.

A coach provides the structure and accountability you need in order to stay committed and make progress.

When I work with my clients, I hold them accountable and support them in every possible way to help them stick to the practice routine.

And with the weekly frequency of sessions, they know that they need to get the set tasks done by then.

Reason #3: A coach gives you personalised feedback

As I mentioned earlier, practicing on your own will only help so much. A coach with the right expertise can tell you exactly what you need to work on.

That kind of feedback is unparalleled in helping you improve. This is what will make the most crucial difference to your skills.

In my sessions. every role-play is followed by detailed feedback on how things could be done better.

And the feedback is then looped into the daily practice plan. All this cumulatively ensures that real improvement happens.

Wondering how to outshine your competition in the professional arena? A coach can help you stay at the forefront by honing your communication abilities.

So, are you ready to gain that extra edge? Check out more details here

To sum up:

Reason #1: A coach gives direction to your efforts

Reason #2: A coach keeps you accountable

Reason #3: A coach gives you personalised feedback


Want to know how you sound in your meetings?

Watch Zoom recording of your meetings and notice your

  • Voice
  • Tone
  • Rate of speech
  • Pauses
  • Body language

You'll find a lot of information in those recordings that will help you start improving. It could be a great first step.

If you want to discuss your areas of improvement with me, feel free to connect here


This week's resource is an amazing article that will help you take your presentation to a new level.

Here are 12 speaking tools that can transform your presentations


Stay tuned for yet another exciting edition of the newsletter next week.


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How to write an effective elevator pitch: Do you struggle to make a great first impression? How would you like a one-line template that'll help you introduce yourself - confidently and memorably every single time? Just 2o minutes can help you plan and write your elevator pitch!

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Suman Kher

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