Free: Swipe file of 100 topics!

Edition # 13

In this edition: How to practice speaking everyday | Tip: How to make time to practice | Resource: Swipe file of 100 topics

Hey Reader

Practice makes a man...and woman perfect. One of the things I do with my paid coaching clients is to create a practice plan that they have to foll0w every day.

This builds consistency and practice over a period of time.

But then I also give them ideas on how to do that.

In today's newsletter, this is what I am going to share with you.

Let's dive in

STEP #1: Find a time slot

Pick a time slot when you are not likely to be disturbed. It should preferably be a 20-30 minute slot. You should be able to practice 5-8 topics in this time.

STEP #2: Have a timer and recorder handy

You should try to speak on a topic for at least 1 minute. You can also record yourself on the phone for self-analysis. If you remember, newsletter #3 explained in great detail how to assess your own speaking skills.

PRO TIP: Use the structure frameworks that you got when you signed up for this newsletter. That will transform the way you deal with the topics.

STEP #3: Pick topics from the swipe file

This file, which you will see as you scroll down, is a super-easy go-to for daily practice.

Choose a category of your choice. Don't scroll through the topic before you are ready so that this can help in impromptu practice too.

Set the timer and start speaking. You may not get into a flow initially. But persist and make sure that you keep going.

Stick to the time slot everyday to ensure you build consistency.

To sum up:

STEP #1: Find a time slot

STEP #2: Have a timer and recorder handy

STEP #3: Pick topics from the swipe file


How to pick time to practice?

Choose a time when you are least likely to be interrupted and can stick to it every day. It could be being up 20 minutes early or before you wind up the day and move away from your laptop.

The choice is totally yours. The more carefully you do this first step, the less likely you are to break this habit.


*Drum rolls* Here is the swipe file of 100 topics that you can dip into for your daily practice

100 practice topics.pdf


Next week's newsletter has a video surprise where I will show you how you can easily assess yourself. If you missed the previous newsletter on this relax. You can learn from the video.


I have a favour to ask! If you liked this newsletter and found it useful, could you please share it with one other person and get them to subscribe to it?

Also, as always, your comments, suggestions, ideas are always welcome!

See you next week!




Whenever you are ready:

How to write an effective elevator pitch: Do you struggle to make a great first impression? How would you like a one-line template that'll help you introduce yourself - confidently and memorably every single time? Just 2o minutes can help you plan and write your elevator pitch!

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Suman Kher

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