Good news + 3 solid tips on presenting with influence

Edition # 16

In this edition: *drum rolls* The new website is up! | 3 tips on levelling up your influence | Tip of the week: One thing you can do to amplify your influence | Resource of the week: Ultimate guides to audience analysis and articulation

Hey Reader

I am going to start today's newsletter with some good news!

I have been working on this for a while and I am super duper excited to present to you the spankin new website of Soft Skills Studio:

It's got all the info about my latest services, all the previous newsletters and about 350 blog posts from the last 9 years. That's a lot of free content on communication and soft skills.

Go ahead and look around! If you find something that doesn't work, do hit reply and lemme know. We've done our best to work out all the kinks before rolling it out.

And if you loved something, do hit reply and tell me about that too!

Looking forward to your responses!

And now to business of the day:

3 presentation secrets that can power up your influence at work

Tip #1: Focus on your audience

We often focus on what we want to say. And not what the audience wants to hear.

One of the best ways to add to your influence is to think about them first.

What do they want to hear? What do they already know? How can you make your message simple and memorable for them?

Once you win your audience, you will have successfully influenced them

Check out the list of parameters in the resource section below

Tip # 2: Articulate like a human

What I mean is - make sure that you talk to people, converse with them.

Don't deliver a monologue - something a lot of senior managers I coach are guilty of.

Learn the nuances of voice, tone, pitch and enunciation. Research shows that we register tone before words.

And working on your voice is one of the best ways to exert influence on your stake holders and co-workers.

Check out the complete guide to articulation in the resource section below

Tip #3: De-prioritise slides

I can't tell you the enormous difference it makes to put yourself first in a presentation.

No one wants to be staring at slides loaded with text while trying to listen to you.

The human brain cannot focus completely on 2 things at the same time. And with text in front of their eyes, they are bound to prioritise that rather than listening to you.

Here's how you can add influence through your presence:

  • Start with a hook. Ask a question. Share a startling stat
  • Tell stories. A 2-line context is enough to grab atention
  • Summarise often to make your message memorable

To sum up:

Tip #1: Focus on your audience

Tip # 2: Articulate like a human

Tip #3: De-prioritise slides


In order to amplify your influence at work, work on your personal branding. Think of 3 things that people should know you for. They could be areas of expertise or qualities. (Or both)

It could be courtesy, consistency and people skills. Or reliability, expertise and great presentations.

Once people know that can bank on you, your influence goes up naturally.


Check out this list of parameters to cover when you analyse your audience

Here's a complete guide to articulation skills


It's that time of the year when we all consider turning a new leaf through new year resolutions.

While we break the most well-intentioned promises within a week, there is always a way to keep them. And that is to plan better and put some thought into it.

Next week we will see how a coach can help you stay on track for your skills resolutions!

Stay tuned!


What would you like to read in this newsletter? I am planning my content for the next quarter and would love to know your thoughts.

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Have suggestions/comments? Hit reply and send them to me!




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How to write an effective elevator pitch: Do you struggle to make a great first impression? How would you like a one-line template that'll help you introduce yourself - confidently and memorably every single time? Just 2o minutes can help you plan and write your elevator pitch!

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Suman Kher

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