3 Secrets Only Effective Communicators Know

Edition # 14

In this edition: 3 communication secrets that'll instantly change the way you communicate | Super tip of the week: Read everyday | Resource of the week: Smart Brevity (book)

Hey Reader

When I thought of the simplest things that can make a huge difference to communicating, I came up with the most obvious pointers.

Why is this important: Often, we don't need life changing things to make a difference. The simplest things can reap rich dividends.

In today's newsletter, I will share 3 simple communication secrets that can lead to huge success for you.

TIP #1: It's all about the audience

Why else are you presenting if not for their benefit!

Why is this important: Step 1 of any successful communication has to start with what the audience wants to hear. But we all start with the message we want to convey. You are there to cater to their needs, make them understand what you want to say.

How to use this: Before you start preparing for any form of communication, think of the recipients. What do they already know? What should they take away? What's their age, gender, experience level etc.

This will greatly help you make it relevant to them and they will reward you with their interest and attention.

READ MORE: How to analyse your audience

TIP #2: Make time for practice

Like any other skill, communication also needs consistent application.

Why is this important: Practicing everyday helps build the muscle to communicate well. It also gives you the confidence that you can do well in real world situations.

How to use this: Choose a 20-30 minute slot in a day. Pick topics of your choice and try to speak on each for at least a minute.

I explained the whole process in the last newsletter where I also shared a swipe file of 100 topics!

Here's the link to the last edition: 100 topics to practice

Tip #3: It's okay to make mistakes

How else will you learn!

Why is this important: Being afraid of mistakes would mean you'll never venture out of your comfort zone. So don't wait to be perfect before you speak in all kinds of situations.

How to use this: Jump into all kinds of speaking situations. Analyse critically what went well and what you could do better. If you have colleagues/friends around, ask for feedback. Make these mistakes an opportunity to learn.

To sum up:

TIP #1: It's all about the audience

TIP #2: Make time for practice

Tip #3: It's okay to make mistakes


Read something every day!

I look at it as one book a week (or a fortnight) If you read about 20 pages a day, you should finish a 200- page book in 2 weeks (give or take)

Reading is great to learn new things, new words and new ideas to improve articulation. This is one thing that can make a huge difference!


I just finished reading a brilliant book called Smart Brevity by Jim VandeHei, Mike Allen, and Roy Schwartz.

This is a goldmine in making work communication simple. It not just outlines how brevity can hugely impact effectiveness at work, there's a whole system you can follow.

The book has tips for meetings, emails, presentations, social media, visuals and inclusive communication. The chapters are written like blog posts with number of words and reading time. Each chapter applies smart brevity to demonstrate how easy it is on the eyes and simpler to understand.

You can read more about smart brevity here

If you write in any form at work, this book is a must read for you. Would you like me to do a proper review of the book? Hit reply and just say YES! :)


Next newsletter will drop into your email only on the 17th and I will share public speaking lessons we can apply from TED Talks.

Meanwhile, wishing you and your family a very happy Diwali and a prosperous new year!


As always, comments, suggestions, questions, feedback are welcome! Just hit reply and talk to me! :)




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How to write an effective elevator pitch: Do you struggle to make a great first impression? How would you like a one-line template that'll help you introduce yourself - confidently and memorably every single time? Just 2o minutes can help you plan and write your elevator pitch!

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Suman Kher

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